Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Skoda Case Study

a) two stakeholders in Skoda would be employees and managers and directors

b) the conflict in the case study is between the employees and the managers/directors or shareholders. the employees were on a strike because they were concerned about their wages and benefits. this would've been caused due to a pay-cut or cancellation of a benefit they had. if Skoda had increased the wages of their managers and directors the wages of the employees would be effected. Shareholders might have demanded more profit which resulted in a pay-cut from the employees salary, enabling the company to give more to their shareholders.

c) the conflict can be minimized by Skoda working on getting the employees to end the strike and start working again. they could do this by giving them their salary and no more pay-cuts. after this is done, i believe that if Skoda increases staff motivation this will encourage the employees to increase their production level which will lead to profit. this way Skoda will gain the money they lost and in the long run make more profit, and the shareholders will also be pleased because they will be making more money. if Skoda didn't want to publicize the strike that occurred they could also employ a good public relations firm. this would help Skoda recover by publicizing the positive work they are doing. they could do this by communicating frequently with their stakeholders such as their employees and the local commuity.

1 comment:

  1. Markscheme
    a. 2/2.
    b. 3/3.
    c. 7/7.

    Excellent work, Michael.

    See model answer on my wiki.
